The Brazilian Electricity Sector and Sustainability in the 21st Century | Amazon Watch
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The Brazilian Electricity Sector and Sustainability in the 21st Century

Opportunities and Challenges

November 2012 | Instituto Socioambiental (ISA), Greenpeace Brazil, Friends of the Earth - Brazilian Amazonia, International Rivers - Brazil, WWF Brasil, Amazon Watch, Instituto Democracia e Sustentabilidade (IDS), et al. | Report

The Brazilian Electricity Sector and Sustainability in the 21st Century: Opportunities and Challenges

This publication presents the results of a joint effort undertaken by a group of researchers and NGOs aimed at promoting critical analysis and proposals for new public policies to meet the challenges of Brazil’s electrical energy sector in the 21st century. This joint initiative originally emerged from a recognition that debates about the social, economic and environmental viability of controversial dam projects, such Belo Monte, need to be supported by convincing arguments about the existence of better policy alternatives for the electricity sector. The report looks at the potential for energy efficiency, renewable energy, transmission upgrades and demand side management to meet Brazil’s future energy needs.

The current members of this group include Instituto Socioambiental (ISA), Greenpeace Brazil, Friends of the Earth – Brazilian Amazonia, International Rivers – Brazil, WWF Brasil, Amazon Watch, Instituto Democracia e Sustentabilidade (IDS), as well as researchers and collaborators Professor Celio Bermann (Institute of Electrotechnics and Energy, University of São Paulo) and Professor Philip M. Fearnside (National Institute of Amazonian Research – INPA).

The authors of the publication gratefully acknowledge collaboration with: Fórum de Mudanças Climáticas e Justiça Social (FMCJS), Instituto Democracia e Sustentabilidade (IDS), Conservation Strategy Fund (CSF), Centro de Pesquisa Jurídica Aplicada do Direito da Fundação Getúlio Vargas (CPJA-FGV), Kendeda Fund and Taupo Fund.


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