Amazon in Focus 2012: Celebrating 15 Years | Amazon Watch
Amazon Watch

Amazon in Focus 2012: Celebrating 15 Years

Plus Annual Financial Reports for 2010-2011

Fall 2012 | Amazon Watch | Report

This special 15th year anniversary issue of Amazon in Focus celebrates the hard work and accomplishments of our team, our indigenous partners, and you – our growing network of supporters who now number more than 165,000 and span 137 countries.

With your dedication and support Amazon Watch has evolved into a highly effective team, working relentlessly in remote jungle communities, the halls of power and around the globe to tackle the root causes of rainforest destruction and to advance indigenous rights. We have recently seen the fruits of our collective efforts with several significant triumphs.

The Inter-American Human Rights Court found the government of ecuador guilty for violating the rights of the Kichwa
people of Sarayaku by failing to consult their community regarding oil development on their land, a monumental case for
indigenous rights worldwide.

Talisman Energy announced that it would cease oil exploration activities in the Peruvian Amazon, withdrawing from areas
where the Achuar people have long opposed oil development on their ancestral rainforest territory.

An Ecuadorian appeals court stood firm on orders for Chevron to pay $19 billion for environmental cleanup, health care
and clean water for the toxic mess it is responsible for in the Ecuadorian Amazon.

In Brazil, opposition to the massive Belo Monte Dam and Brazil’s current unsustainable energy path has reached an all-time high. escalating international opposition, targeted protests and legal actions have delayed dam construction and the
release of $10 billion in project loans.


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Amazon Watch is building on more than 25 years of radical and effective solidarity with Indigenous peoples across the Amazon Basin.



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