It's Not Too Late to Stop the Belo Monte Dam! | Amazon Watch
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It’s Not Too Late to Stop the Belo Monte Dam!

July 13, 2012 | Atossa Soltani | Eye on the Amazon

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Join thousands of others in sending a message to FUNAI and IBAMA today.


I write to you from the frontlines of the battle to defend Brazil’s Xingu River. The indigenous peoples of the Middle Xingu are still fighting for their survival and need your help today.

Earlier this week 60 leaders from 16 indigenous communities signed a letter to the Brazilian authorities, calling for the immediate suspension of the Belo Monte dam’s construction license due to callous disregard for basic social and environmental requirements and violations of the rights of indigenous communities to free, prior, and informed consent.

The latest affront is the construction of the “cofferdams,” earthen roads built across the Xingu River designed to divert the river’s flow. This week Brazil’s indigenous foundation FUNAI and environmental agency IBAMA are discussing whether or not to authorize the definitive diversion of the waters.

They are under tremendous pressure from the highest levels of the Brazilian government and its corporate partners to approve completion of the Belo Monte coffer dams. We must counter-balance that pressure with a national and international outcry!
Join us and thousands of others in sending a message to FUNAI and IBAMA today. We cannot allow the Xingu to be destroyed with the stroke of a pen.


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